Frequently Asked Questions: 
1. What is depression?
· Depression is a medical illness that involves the mind and body. It affects how you think and behave and can cause a variety of emotional and physical problems.
2. How is depression caused?
· Biochemical-some evidence that people with depression have physical changes in their brains
· Genes-some studies have shown that depression is more common in people whose biological family members also have the condition
· Environment-causes that are situations in one’s life that are difficult to cope with
3. Who is most affected by depression?
· All racial, ethnic and economic groups are affected by depression, not one is immune from the risk of getting it
· Twice as many women are diagnosed than men (this could be due in part because women are more likely to seek treatment for depression)
4. How do you know if you have depression?· Symptoms Include:
· Loss of interest in normal daily activities
· Feeling sad or down
· Feeling hopeless
· Crying spells for no apparent reason
Problems sleeping
· Trouble focusing or concentrating
· Difficulty making decisions
· Unintentional weight gain or loss
· Irritability
· Restlessness
· Being easily annoyed
· Feeling fatigued or weak
· Feeling worthless
· Loss of interest in sex
· Thoughts of suicide or suicidal behavior
· Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches
* Take this Depression Self-Assessment test for more information : How do you help a friend/loved one who has symptoms of depression?· Have an open discussion about your concerns

· Offer encouragement and support
· Help find qualified professional care
· Attend the appointment if your support is needed
6. Can depression be mentally controlled by an individual?
· mental illnesses have very complex causes, often a mix of your genetics, your biology and your life experiences — most of which are beyond your control
7. How is depression treated?· Medications
· Psychotherapy
· Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
* For further information on treatments available please refer to this website: Why is society so critical of individuals struggling with depression?· To some, the word "mental" suggests that the illness is not a legitimate medical condition but rather a problem caused by your own choices and actions. People may blame you and think your condition is "all in your head." They may think that a mental health disorder means that you're weak or lazy.
· Mental illnesses have very complex causes most of which are beyond your control. Neuroimaging studies show physical changes in the brain associated with mental disorders, and may be due in part to your genes.
9. Is depression preventable?
· Although there is no sure way to prevent depression working to
-Control stress
-Increase resilience and
- Boost low self-esteem,
…may help.
· Also friendships, social support, forgiveness, coping with grief, and being assertive may help
· Also treatment at the earliest sign of a problem can help prevent depression from worsening.
· Long-term maintenance treatment may help prevent a relapse
10.Are there resources available for learning more?
There are many resources available for learning more. Here are just a few websites for more information.
CDC Related Links:
Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
National Institute of Mental Health
Non-Government Resources:
Mental Health America*